Friday, June 3, 2022

 One final guest post from the Posse friend, and honorary member, Queenie Gambino.  She crossed the Rainbow Bridge today.

hello there. this is queenie again. first, i'd like to thank mr. carrithers for once again letting me use his fine blog. It has been a crazy two years since my last blog entry. covid hit humans pretty hard. dogs, not so much. it's good to be able to get back to normal, sort of. earlier this month I got my 2-year coin from coprophagists anonymous [ca]. i hope to have that foul-smelling brown monkey off my back forever. ca's motto is 'one treat at a time.' ivan, who introduced me to poop-eating, has gone to “live with some relatives out in the country,” though i can think of no setting more rural than this one. gambz says this location is 'beyond the banjo music.' i'll miss that old basset. last year i had a bout with vestibular disease, or what is called 'old dog's disease.' i was dizzy and could not maintain my balance, and I had to go to the 'dogspital' for four days. then, for a few days after that, i was kind of walking in circles, which drove deb nuts. [gambz says everything drives deb nuts, but that's a human thing and none of my business, or as i say, 'not my circus, not my humans.' a few months ago i got a new little brother. his name is teddy, and he is part beagle, part springer spaniel. i don't think the 'springer' thing has anything to do with that talk-show host with the fighting guests, but i could be wrong. we got teddy from an animal shelter two counties west of us. I was hoping to ask mr. carrithers if he could be an honorary member of the beagle posse like i am. that would be great. teddy is about 4 or 5 years old and very energetic, unlike ivan. he also has legs that are more than two inches long, unlike ivan. teddy has this thing where he begs for food completely erect, on his hind legs like a human. gambz is utterly fascinated by this phenomenon. his 'record' is 10 seconds on his hind legs only. The vet said teddy has 'great core strength,' whatever that means. i'd be jealous, but i say let teddy and gambz have their fun. i will be turning 15 later this year – that's 105 in human years – and i have a bad hind leg, so jumping of any kind is in the rear-view mirror for me. i am grounded. both humans and one of two dogs in this house walk with some kind of a limp. gambz says it reminds him of monty python's 'ministry of silly walks.' anyway, i'm glad to be a minister. deb is still addicted to shopping on amazon, and gambz still spends a lot of time online. i log onto the laptop when one of them has a doctor's appointment. gambz also spends a lot of time devising practical jokes which he plays on all of us. he has a rubber chicken which he sneaks in bed with them at night. he also puts it in the fridge, freezer, shower, or whatever would shock deb. he's a fun guy, usually.

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