Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Brussel Sprout on the Linoleum.

I walked into the room to find the Posse facing each other making Posse noises.

“What's up?”

Tuppence said, “If cousin Watson visits from Texas, Tommy needs to know Texanish.”


“Yeah, how to talk it.”

“Well, Tuppy, first of all Watson isn't coming. Second, Watson is a smart dog. He lives with a Rice U. grad, and speaks fine English.”

“So you say. But even the Governor of Texas speaks kind of dumb.”

“That doesn't mean Watson does, and it's pretty clear, brains are not a requirement for Texas governor.”

“But Watson might visit.”

“He won't. I wish he and Tess would, but he isn't coming.”

Tuppy gives it the head cock and says, “It's like the Brussel Sprout on the Linoleum.”

“Do tell.”

“When you're cooking and you drop something, we ALWAYS run in. It could be a piece of steak or a fine piece of cheese.”

“But, Tupp, it's usually a piece of vegetable.”

“Zactly. But it's always worth the run. Even if it's a brussel sprout, it's exciting. For a second, you got POSSIBILITIES!”

She turned back to her task. “Tommy, first I'm gonna learn you your a Fixin' Tos......

“I'm a fixin' to,
He's a fixin' to,
She's a fixin' to,
We're a fixin' to,
They're a fixin' to.”

I walked out in disgust. It was a '57 Disgust sedan. V8. A real classic.

Tupp went on in the background. “Now, I'm gonna learn you your AIN'T a Fixin' Tos......

“I ain't a fixin' to,
He ain't a fixin' to,
She ain't a fixin' to,
We ain't a fixin' to,
They ain't a fixin' to.”

I went for coffee.

Later, I ran into Tommy in the Den. “Tommy, I put all of your toys in the basket and now they're spread all over. Deborah will be home soon, pick them up and put them back in the basket, please.”

Tommy turned away, sat down, and began vigorously nibbling on that spot in his left arm pit.

As I picked up a toy, I heard him mutter, “I ain't a fixin' to.”

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