Friday, March 25, 2016

Posse Down the Bunny Trail

The Beagle Posse was chasing, dancing, yipping joyously, right in the middle of was was normally First Morning Nap time.

“Hey, guys, what's going on?”

Tommy bounced by, “It's almost Easter!”

Puzzled, I ventured, “And why do you care about that?”

Tuppence looked at me like I was a slow-witted Tabby Cat. “Easter is the beagle national holiday.”

“You're going to have to explain that one.”

“Six foot rabbits coming through the front door, and baskets of treats!” And they started dancing again.

Tommy said, “We have a great plan this year. Mr. Antenna Ears is ours. Rabbit stew for Easter lunch.”

“How come you haven't caught him before?”

“He's sneaky,” said Tommy. “Like that guy in the red suit in the winter.”

Tuppence smiled a sly beagle smile. “But THIS year, we're gonna stay awake. Besides, tell us, how does the Bunny get here?”

“He hops down the bunny trail,” I said.

“And who,” gloated Tommy, “is better at bunny trails than beagles?”

Thinking I'd have some fun with them, I said, “What if I put up a sign to warn him?”

Tommy shook his head. “Fool, rabbits can't read.”

“Oh,” I said, “but beagles can talk?”

Tuppence curled a lip. “In some countries, you'd be in a rubber room already. Get between us and the Big Rabbit, and we just might make the call.”

I was sure I had 'em now. “If I'm locked up, who is going to feed you?”

Tommy said, “We'll be feasting on rabbit. Try to keep up here.”

I sat down to explain. “Guys, I'm sorry to tell you, but the Easter Bunny isn't real.”

“Yes he is,” snapped Tuppy. “We've seen him on TV. And they can't put anything on TV that isn't true.”

“Oh,” I said. “Donald Trump is on TV. Not much truth there.”

There was a low menacing growl in the back of Tommy's throat. “WE know what to do with New York Sewer Rats.”

Obviously tired of the palaver, the Posse looked at each other, jumped and tore off down the hall. Tommy shouting, “YOU be the bunny this time.”

They disappeared through the dog door and into the back yard, joyously woofing and beagle bugling.

Beagles are easily entertained. All it takes is a giant rabbit and a dense human.

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